With kodai wand i got close to 280k/hr with ahrims, kodai would be 6% more xp. They are the places that MM2 takes place in and are one of the most important aspects of MM2. Salve ammies only count the bonus to the initial target and not the other 8 that you hit with your chins. Question: Is salve ammy ei better for skeletal monkeys for the improved accuracy/damage or does the anguish just out-power it since the salve has the effect on only the primary target. Yeah you can complete mm2 on a pure, the slayer grind is painful though. Most people will remember this tunnel as the standard chinning/bursting. ago. The agility dungeon is not instanced so you'll be able to. Vidyo. I trained from level 84 to mid 85 magic. Made without bias, by the top clans in MM2, for you all. The second benefit of that is at 65 slayer you would unlock dust devils which you can burst on task for magic xp in the catacombs. I used Elite void, Anguish, buckler, pegs, and assembler. It was like 20m for me in mm2 tunnels . ago. Find an area with a decent amount of monkeys, line em up. Not doing so would easily inflate the cost and it could get out of hand. I'm trying to get to 94 mage from 86, and I'm gonna do it bursting at MM2 tunnels. Pures will be able to get the monkey backpacks and chin in the MM1 and MM2 tunnels. Hey guys, and welcome to another episode of my road to 1bil series. I got 99 ranged and mage on my pure in the same night fuck those mm1 tunnels mm2 tunnels is where it’s at. If someone also knows how many bursts I will need from 86-94 mage as well, I would highly appreciate that. If its needed i could get more chins. Poker/Sports/Casino Sponsor!!: my discord and message me for anything RS related!your gear, do you think an anguish is better compared to using a salve amulet (ei)? As you should get a larger increase in damage for the target you are attacking, but as the splash damage is based of your. Went pretty fast. Did you have the Bonecrusher on the entire time for both 99s or only put on when prayer was low? You gain 260 xp/monkey which means you need to kill roughly 50k monkeys for 13M xp in one skill. 12gp/xp mate Had 1063 feedback before this profile you see (2013 joined date) if that helps. Bruh it'll take you like 200 hours to get 99 range at wyverns. Looking for 94-99 mage via bursting in mm2 tunnels. With a blowpipe and BIS gear I usually get 90-120k xp/hr depending on the task. Aight I got some recent experience, tried full void max range set up at mm2 tunnels using eagle eye, chinned for about 1 hour, averaged 10. Reply . Barraging is upwards of 350k at 99. It contains a more detailed description of dialogue, cutscenes, and storyline. PKers think they are getting lured. The wiki's table says its around 3 gp/xp and 250k xp/hr, and it costs around 750k gp/hr with kodai wand. how much xp/hr is barraging in mm2 tunnels. The Sweatshop: Bursting / Chinning Mm2 [& other methods] [Alt rentals] [Most knowledgeable], Number #1 chinning and bursting servicer. 07 gp/xp, not counting hp xp. Gray chins are currently under 3gp/xp when chinning in MM2 tunnels and stacking the monkeys. #10 - Jan 23, 2017 at 8:40 PM Joined: Jan 10, 2017 Posts: 279 Referrals: 3 Sythe Gold: 402. In-depth mm2 Bursting/Barraging guide | part I. MM2 bursting XP and cost. Eternal boots. I am not claiming i created this method just wanna show people how to get some sick xp gains. If that isnt big enough to sway you into skilling abit to get the requirements, the monkeys in MM2 tunnels drop p pots, when i went i took a full p pot and would come back with an invy of 24 pray pots (4), so you'll make some money back. 63 votes, 49 comments. I would not chin without void, get void then chin. Skeleton monkeys in MM1 tunnels have level 110. bring your own p pots to have it be more AFKable (don't let your prayer drop though, lol). Reds are 20% faster than grays, but I don't know about blacks. The average xp per barraging is 200 mage and 106 hp. This is not necessary but if you are really good at the game you can sacrifice your fire cape to get an infernal cape as your last upgrade to your account. Monkey Madness 2 Chapter II Quest Guide. However, I would still highly recommend getting void and chinning in that, since void on a zerker is very useful for pking/pvming. Ahrim's robe bottom. MM2 tunnels are the best xp/h hands down. I'd burst at nechs in catacombs with. mm2 done. cuzipo • 3 yr. Introduction Since the release of mmII the meta has shifted from chinning in the mm1 tunnels to the vastly superior mm2 location. Train your ranged in the MM2 tunnels with chinchompas and your magic with Ice bursts again in the MM2 tunnels. MM1 tunnels are the next best thing. 1200 * 1k = -1. Warning: Ape Atoll and. Other than that, you only get +3 prayer from this. Wondering how much it would cost to get from 85 to 99 range. You're free to ask it here but you should be aware of faster, more accurate sources. 2m an hour, or 5. Shuffle alts: Normal rate: One account: 15m for 48 hours 30m for a week. Level 70 - 99: Ice Bursting/Barraging Mm2 Tunnels; Level 37+: Osrs Nightmare Zone Guide; Level 80+: String Jewelry; Level 80+: Plank Make; Level 13+: Splashing . You might be thinking of barraging instead of bursting, or maybe bursting in MM1 tunnels where pray pots aren't free. Premium Powerups Explore Gaming. pm me for a quote. What is the approximate xp/hr and gp/xp (or gp/hr) of ice bursting in MM2 tunnels? I'm looking for pure magic xp because my hp and defence are already 99. 45MMelbourne Metro 2 (MM2) is a proposed extension to the Melbourne rail network, consisting of a tunnel from Newport to Clifton Hill via the city centre. Level 1-17; Level. If you are not using void, it's not worth chinning. 45 for chinchompas. 4K. Chinning experience rates depend on your location (MM1 tunnels or MM2 tunnels), whether you use black/red chins, attack style. Mm1 or Mm2 tunnels? Interested in it for 30M and a +rep when done please, Would be bursting all the way, can get it done asap. earthnarb • 6 yr. Amulet of the damned is 25% chance of 30% more damage. Alora Newspaper [11/6/2019] - posted in Official Newspaper: Hello everyone, welcome to the October edition of the Alora Newspaper! Thank you for having me back for the best month of the year! :) Some pretty drastic rule changes for this month! Be sure to read up on them. Two accounts: 25m for 48. 178. Maps are the locations in which rounds take place in. The dungeon is visited during Monkey Madness II to kill Kruk and. Bursting in MM2 tunnels is not 7-8 gp/xp. Subscribe. MM2 Morytania Hard Diary for Bonecrusher Necklace Western Provinces Hard Diary + Roving Elves Quest for Crystal Halberd Method is pretty simple, you go into any tunnel with manical monkeys (you don't need to go through the agility obstacles like with chinning, any of the tunnels will do). The entrance to Kruk's Dungeon. I've spent a fair few hours down in the mm2 tunnels [Combined I've gained roughly 300m+ xp in range/mage] and even though the mm2 caves have been around for a little over 3 years it still surprises me how many. Occult is significantly better in any real world scenario. . Would it better for me to burst dust devils and use an alt to pickup drops, since I could probably make 400-500k gp/hr. (example on how this works: ) Pricing: Pricing on chinning and maging varies on the gear/goal/method. ago. chin in the mm2 dungeon, they drop prayer potions so you won't have to buy them yourself, 35k chins for 90-99 range, 34 hours of chinning with 250 xp/chin 280k xp/h. I want to chin but questing makes me want to kill myself. Valheim Genshin Impact Minecraft Pokimane Halo Infinite Call of Duty: Warzone Path of Exile Hollow Knight: Silksong Escape from Tarkov Watch Dogs: Legion. Now I don't know how defensive casting works for the xp you gain, but I assume it's the same as magic, so. Starting rate is 2m/hour for 2 accounts dancing. I only brought prayer potion (1) dose whenever i bursted the monkeys in mm2 caves. Ice barrage stops proper stacking of monkeys unless Im missing something. Supports : Monkey Madness 1 & 2 tunnels Magic or Ranged combat training Stat boosting : Ranged - Divine ranging potions Magic - Imbued heart MM2 tunnels, bot will loot prayer potions when out of potions and prayer gets low. This being in mm2 tunnels. ive died while bursting a few times. Highest Exp/hr Method throwing chinchompas at monkey madness 2 tunnel. , Share #4 - Feb 3, 2019 at 5:41 AM Joined: Jan 2, 2019 Posts: 3,079 Referrals: 1. ago. Having unlocked it, I. currently 80 range, using mm2 tunnel, full void + bis gear for 42 def. Introduction. Seer's ring (i) Toxic staff of the dead. 360k/hr iirc. Today i am going to be working on my new goal of achieving 99 range. (unsure about this, seems like a good starting point) -I won't ask for payment up front for the first few people, we can talk about how you want to do it. 348. When using red chins and max gear to train my range from 93 to 98 I was getting 200k range xp an hour and with black chins it's. M agic is one of the most important skills in the game, it is a F2P skill but can be trained using F2P and P2P methods. Do what's right, the right way, at the right time. Join us for game…I decided to train at the MM2 tunnels for the purpose of saving costs on prayer potions. I did this myself training from 92 to 96 mage in Max gear besides an arcane I got 180k mage and 90k hp xp per hour. Would’ve made more sense to post the why with the. You must navigate through the tunnel you originally trekked through during the original Monkey Madness I. However it may be hard to get it back with all the monkeys around. A lot of maps. Join. This is a question that can be answered by watching a guide on youtube or even checking the osrs wiki. With red chins at MM2 Tunnels it is possible to achieve 650k+ at your range level in absolute max ranged bonus using my chinning method (video below) On average the Exp per chin was 348. You need to keep moving to get the monkies in blocks of. Reply . Poker/Sports/Casino Sponsor!!: my discord and message me for anything RS related!quickest way. Players focus on training it for many reasons such as the various teleports that get unlocked through the Spellbooks, or to be able to enchant certain items. This was very challenging to make and attempt to explain and I believe it will be for anyone making a guide on this. 0 coins. Sports. Pures can already use the Zenytes from MM2 but cannot ascertain from the Gorillas their selves due to quest. Anguish without a doubt. I did 99 range on my zerk with dhides in mm2 tunnel. They will be removed from any lockout related to clue scrolls on Ape atoll. 6 gp per xp. GambitDota • 6 yr. Getting (elite) void and chinning in mm2 tunnels will save you a lot of money in the long run. I offer a wide range of services related to chinning/bursting. An estimate of gp/xp and/or gp cost to 99 would be appreciated. I think after running to regain agro it averaged around 280-300K exp/hr. Versus like 20 chinning mm2 tunnels. "It's worth doing it in MM2 Tunnel for sure. Best way to train your magic level from 70 - 99! Afk and best xp/hrManiacal monkeys are good monsters for training Ranged on with chinchompas, or Magic with the Ice Burst spell. Whereas the occult is 10%. With a history of leaving large-scale conflicts and warfare in his wake,. on another note, if you're splashing at all in the MM1 tunnels, you'll notice a significant difference in the MM2 tunnels. For Strength and Attack afk train them in the nightmare zone. You need these stats to even start the quest. It's something like 1200 casts/hr. Just make sure you dont die, its not hard if you are quick on prayers. Blood barrage is better than ice barrage in mm2 caves. meesrs • 7 yr. Been going strong since 2017! Over 1. but i think 28k red chins should be enough from 85 range in mm2 tunnels. Yes you can and you should. 4 Million monthly users trust. Spoiler Date & time of updated rule: October 27th, 2019Updated. The house is also involved during both Biohazard and Plague City quests, although the tunnels remain. Glough, the war criminal set on eradicating humans and overthrowing Gielinor, has escaped the watch of the Grand Tree gnomes. It's around 200k per hour at mm2 tunnels, but if you burst dust devils or nechryaels, you can profit and get around 100k exp per hour. All depends on gear and mage level. Andddd the end result Lookin. Any god cloak. Given their low magic defence and low physical defence, the strategy is generally to maximise your max hit. Making it (combined mage+def xp) 4. Focusing on prayer bonus will give you more XP/hour than focusing - or trying to balance - ranged strength & accuracy. Method. The Mourner Tunnels are located under the Mourner Headquarters in the north-eastern part of West Ardougne. Optional Arrow looting Requires Teleport to house tab ( this is how bot leaves to safety )So Ice Burst costs with every cast roughly 1k. Murder Mystery 2's Official Value List. Details [ edit | edit source] Walkthrough [ edit | edit source] Getting Started [ edit | edit. So it really depends on what your current goals are. How far into the quest do i unlock the tunnels that are used for chinning? You don't have to fight any bosses, once he sends you into kruks cave you have full access to chinning spots, no boss fights needed. monkeys in mm2 aren't dead. You can figure out the math from that. Unsure of the demand for it but trying it out anyway. string jewelry is fast + afk. Kruk's Dungeon is a large labyrinth whose entrance is hidden under jungle grass west of Marim on Ape Atoll . OSRS Farming Guide. How’s he being a dick when you didn’t give the reasoning it’s better until after he asked. Salve amulet does not work, use anguish. My cost was about 4 gp/xp and when you factor in the HP it's really cheap at about 3 gp/total xp. Occult necklace. It's primarily focused on having a high magic bonus (while still within the limits of my cashstack). Getting there Route to maniacal monkeys. MM2, MM1, bloodvelds, dust devils, nechryael, abyssal demons, smoke devils. MM1 tunnels MM2 tunnels Nmz MM2 is obviously the best and the other 2 are still decent , Share ^ Pirate likes this. There is a 20% magic damage and accuracy boost on the one monster you click on. As most people know t. Used void (elite void if you have it) Used about 1800 chins an hour Pulled about 550k - 700k xp/hr Pray prot melee and hawk eye Used mm2 tunnel spot. 5 meaning you would need 22,060 Red Chinchompas from 90-99. Seeing as ahrim's staff gives a 5% damage bonus, your options are: Occult + staff of the dead = 10% + 15%. if you have an alt that can make at least 840k/hr this method is free xp. Monkey Madness II: The Renegade Returns is the sequel to Monkey Madness I, and is the 129th quest on Old School RuneScape. 713K subscribers in the 2007scape community. Intend to burst to 96 magic, and am getting ~220k magic exp an hour or 150k and 70k defence exp an hour. The ones that do come in you just spear until everyone runs/logs. 62 for ancient magicks multi-target spells. Following the events of Monkey Madness, Glough has vanished, prompting King Narnode Shareen to enlist the player's help once more in tracking down the war criminal and uncovering his next evil plan. Guide for bursting and barraging the commonly bursted and barraged npcs. Had a thought to use my 2 alts to dance for people chinning in MM2 tunnels. , Price + time frame please, the account has 75 def, 77 prayer, please give an accurate time frame and would rather deal with trusted users, also happy holid, Oldschool 07 RuneScape Skill Training,currently at 85 range, full arma 70 def. Skeleton monkeys are really only for pures. Whether that would be range, or melee stats is up to you. You don't use any extra prayer potions at the MM2 Cave as the monkeys drop one dose.